Updating Firmware

Updating Aurora Firmware

  • Download the firmware file from the Aurora Support page or the Suite.

  • Connect Aurora to your computer with a USB cable.

  • Power on the aircraft with one battery and wait about 15 seconds for the aircraft to boot fully.

  • Using a browser such as Chrome or Safari, open the aircraft's info/update page at (an internet connection is unnecessary).

  • In the Update Auterion OS box, click Browse, and select the firmware file downloaded above.

  • Click Update. (It should take about 10 minutes.)

  • After the update completion message, verify that the webpage shows a "Release name" that matches the downloaded file and that all the motor LEDs are on.

  • Connect your Herelink to the internet through WiFi.

  • Swipe down from the top of the screen to pull down the Android quick menu.

  • If there are any updates available, you will see them here. Follow the instructions to get your software updated. Alternatively, go to Android Settings > About phone > System Updates.

Reset to Default Aurora Parameters

  • Open AMC and activate Advanced mode

  • Connect AMC to Aurora

  • Select: Vehicle setup > Parameters > Tools > Reset to vehicle's configuration defaults.

  • Reboot Vehicle

  • Calibrate sensors as required

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