Release Notes
AOS 3.3.9
What's new
Allow manufacturers to override the Skynode default Wifi access point SSID using the AP_CONFIGURE_AP_SSID environment variable.
New radio statistics are included in the Ulog file uploaded to the suite. This will simplify radio troubleshooting
Disable AuterionOS serial console on production images
What improved
Do not force the video streaming frame rate to a fixed value. This can reduce video latency by 30-50ms.
Fix the issue where the video was getting recorded correctly on the Sony A7R camera, but AMC reported that the recording failed
Sony A7R/ILX
Enable exposure control settings also in video mode
New picture profile setting exposed to AMC
Read all settings ranges from the camera to avoid trying to change settings that are not available for a specific camera model or in a specific camera state
New movie recording settings exposed to AMC
Remove "flash" white balance setting
Do not allow user to change to manual focus if the lens does not support it
Limit shutter speed range to 1/4000
Decouple exposure mode, exposure compensation, ISO, shutter speed, aperture, and focus mode settings depending on whether the camera is in photo or video mode.
Fix SD card status and error reporting.
Fix the the movie format setting. Previously, users could set values that were temporarily unavailable due to other setting combinations.
Set AuterionOS date and time to camera during initial connection
Read focus level from the camera to improve the manual focus support
New Sony 50mm and Samyang 75mm lens support
Fix the issue that would cause the Sony camera to stop working if plugged out and back into Skynode via USB
Fix an issue that would cause the Sony camera capture feedback not to work when switching between USB flash drive and camera SD card storage.
Improve doodle labs radio support. This will allow pairing with doodle labs radios to be faster and more reliable.
Fix an issue that could happen during photo upload to the suite. This could cause all other suite features to malfunction.
Fix issue that could cause the AuterionOS web UI to not get updated or to get corrupted when updating from a release with the old web UI
Fix issue that could cause the FMU hardfault log upload to the suite to fail during AuterionOS bootup
Improve error messages in AuterionOS update API to report API version incompatibilities
Fix app remove button and make sure that also app settings are removed. The action could fail randomly.
Improve error handling during AuterionOS app installations
Fix issue where AuterionOS could get stuck at boot if a USB flash drive was plugged in during power up
Fix issue where last digits of the Auterion suite API key were visible in some AuterionOS REST API responses
Fix issue that caused excessive memory usage by the modem driver in AuterionOS when when modem was not in a configurable state
Disable app actions in the AuterionOS web UI while the drone is armed
During skynode soft reboots the USB hub could stop working. Now AuterionOS makes sure the USB hub is alive during every boot up.
Fix issue where the app update status was not successful although the app installation had succeeded
Fix issue with modem metrics that could cause the CPU to spike every time AuterionOS requested the metrics from the modem.
Various optimizations are related to the connection to the suite. The service also used a lot of resources when the vehicle was not connected to the Internet.
AMC 1.30.17
What's new
Pilot Profile: after logging in with the Suite account AMC will provide the following pilot information:
Display the pilot name, icon, and email.
Display Operator ID in AMC.
Display the list of pilot certificates available in the suite and the expiration date for each of them.
Add support for opening certificates as PDFs.
Mission Manager:
A New Mission Actions bar with the following actions was added in Plan View: Mission menu, Save, Clear, and Upload.
Add the ability to import missions to AMC.
Add the ability to filter missions.
Efficiency and stability improvements.
Gimbal information:
Add the gimbal model, vendor, and firmware version in the About section.
Notify the user if the gimbal needs a firmware update.
Connection Manager:
Improved support for Doodle Labs radio.
Improved the process of connecting to the vehicle:
New UI/UX design.
Created an improved step-by-step guide.
Non-modal pop-ups: battery info and GPS pop-ups can be left open while the user interacts with AMC and will not auto-close when the user clicks outside the pop-up.
New VTOL Straight landing pattern: end a mission by descent to the transition point in a straight line.
Cursor on Target changes to comply with program Acheron requirements.
Add the ability to assign external flight modes to joystick buttons.
Added coordinate units to first time user setup.
What's improved
General performance improvements: RC controller messaging, camera projection, compass indicator, camera mode change, camera settings, task monitor.
FreeFly Pilot Pro joystick improvements:
Fix the joystick dead band setting and add a default value of 4%.
Map joystick R1 button to camera trigger action.
Mission improvements:
Survey mission: fix upload of preset settings.
Extras tab: unified UI design.
Mission estimator: reset total flight time to 0 when deleting all the mission items.
Fix mission upload progress bar size.
Fix importing KML mission files on Android versions greater than 10.
Custom mission items: add custom mission actions in AMC non-Advanced-Mode.
Fix the Autotune procedure that is stuck in the process.
Start the ATAK video stream without any manual settings needed.
Fix the Go To action: use the altitude value of the previous action as default.
Fix System Health; the status is not always updated.
Left tools strip action labels are now visible by default.
Fix home position does not update when only altitude changes.
Fix the first-time user setup that is missing the skip button.
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