Serial Number
To comply with ANSI/CTA-2063-A and § 89.505, the vehicle serial number uses Camflite registered manufacturing code, followed by a single character denoting the serial number's length, and then the actual device serial number. The vehicle serial number will be displayed on a prominent label in English on Aurora's front left arm socket. The label will be permanently affixed to both the unmanned aircraft and its packaging, ensuring its legibility.
The serial numbers of the Aurora are as follows:
Bit position
4 character MFR code
1 character length code
00000000xxxx (example)
12 character serial number
An example of a full serial number for Aurora will look like 1871C000000007000. This is the entire serial number you must use when registering your drone via the FAA Drone Zone.
Serial # Tag
To register with the FAA, you will need to use your serial number. As per § 89.525 regulations, Aurora will display a laser-engraved tag on the bottom of the aircraft with the label "ASTM-F3586-22-NOA-22-01". This label will indicate that the aircraft meets the requirements under this part. It will be in English, legible, prominent, and permanently affixed to both the unmanned aircraft and its packaging.
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